Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is provided to make you aware of how Port Phillip Boating Centre collects, uses, and manages information collected from you.
Please note that Port Phillip Boating Centre makes some other web sites available to you from hyperlinks in this web site. Those web sites are not subject to Port Phillip Boating Centre Privacy Policy, therefore, you should review the privacy policy of each individual web site accessed through the hyperlinks from this web site and ensure that you are satisfied with their privacy policy before you use the other web sites.
Collection of Personal Information
Port Phillip Boating Centre collects the following information regarding visitors to our web site:
Remote server address (RDNS)
Date and time of their visit
Pages accessed
Documents downloaded
Previous site visited (HTTP Referer)
Type of browser used
Any other information volunteered by you including web registrations, contact information.
Depending on your transaction with us it may be necessary for Port Phillip Boating Centre to collect personal information from you in order to serve you and for other associated administrative purposes.
Cookies are pieces of information that a web site can transfer to a individual's computer hard drive for record keeping. Cookies can make web sites easier to use by storing information about your preferences on a particular web site when you re-visit the site that established the cookie, the site will read the contents of the cookie from your hard disk.
Some of Port Phillip Boating Centre web sites use cookies to enhance user interactions but the only personal information the cookies can contain is information you personally supply.
Sensitive Information
Port Phillip Boating Centre does not collect sensitive information (for example: political or religious beliefs, ethnic background or sexual preferences) about you.
Use & Disclosure
Unless you have instructed us not to do so, personal information may be shared with related companies within Port Phillip Boating Centre where it will remain confidential.
However, we will not disclose your personal information to external parties who are not associated with Port Phillip Boating Centre unless the disclosure is required by law or you have consented to our disclosing the information about you.
When or before we collect your personal information, we will take reasonable steps to inform you of the purpose for which the information is collected. Your personal information collected by Port Phillip Boating Centre will only be used in accordance with the purpose advised and the information will not be used for any other purpose without your consent.
To inform you about our services, Port Phillip Boating Centre may use the information collected to identify products and services which we think may be of interest to you. However, we respect your choice to opt-out of those activities and the option to be excluded from our marketing activities is generally provided at the time of collection or you may contact us at any time to be excluded from our marketing activities.
Data Quality
All information held by us for the purpose notified to you at the time of collection will be maintained in a form that is accurate, complete and up to date. Please contact us if any of the details you have provided to us has changed.
Data Security
The storage and use of the personal information will be undertaken in a secure manner that protects your privacy, records will be kept for as long as required by law or is prudent having regard to administrative requirements.
You can request us to provide you with access to the personal information we hold about you, for what purposes and how we collect, hold, use and disclose that information.
Access & Correction
You may request access to your personal information held by Port Phillip Boating Centre.
Where necessary, you will be given the opportunity to amend any personal information held by us that is incorrect.
A fee may apply to such access. If we deny your request for access we will let you know why.
Port Phillip Boating Centre does not use identifiers assigned by the Commonwealth Government agencies (for example: tax file number) to identify any individual.
Where it is lawful and practicable Port Phillip Boating Centre endeavours to de-identify information collected about you.
Transborder Data Flows
We will take steps to protect your privacy if information is to be sent outside Australia.