2024 Snapper Competition Rules


  1. The fishing competition will be held within the boundaries of Port Phillip Bay. Fish caught out side of these boundaries will not be eligible.

  2. Competitors may fish from land or vessel.

  3. Anglers must be at the weigh-in station before closing time at 12pm Sunday 10th Nov for their fish to count. NO FISH WILL BE WEIGHED IN AFTER 1PM.

  4. A parent or guardian must accompany all juniors and assume total responsibility at all times whilst fishing during the competition.

  5. All fish should be weighed in whole, cleaned fish may be weighed, however, no adjustment will be made for lost weight.

  6. The referee will be the weigh master. The weigh master shall

    1. Weigh all fish during the competition, calculate the weight and place it onto the weigh sheet.

    2. Ensure the rules of the competition have been observed.

    3. Report any protests to Port Phillip Boating staff prior to 12pm Sunday 10th of November for any final rulings.

    4. Each fish will only be weighed in once by the weigh master he will then mark each tail to ensure fish cannot be weighed twice.

  7. All fish are to be taken by rod and line only. No assistance shall be provided to any angler by any other person, with the exception of taking the leader for the purpose of gaffing or netting the fish.

  8. All boats used in the competition must comply with all current boating regulations with-in the area they are used. PPBC will take no responsibility and/or be liable for any loss or damage that may be sustained in the fishing competition.

  9. Strong wind warning.

    1. If a strong wind warning of 30 knots and above is forecast for Port Phillip Bay prior to commencement of the competition all competitors will be contacted, and the competition will cease.

    2. As the competition is over 2 days once the warning has past the competition will recommence… Note it is important to place correct contact information onto your Ticket.

    3. The competition is to cease at the time of the wind warning and all fish that have caught prior to the end of the competition will be eligible for weigh-in.

  10. No Refunds

    1. We do not offer refunds of registration fees.  However the name attached to the registration may be changed free of charge.


***Port Phillip Boating Centre has organized this fishing event as an enjoyable family friendly event. Any abuse or violence directed at any staff / volunteers or other competitors will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave and be removed from the competition immediately***

We hope that people entering the competition have a safe and happy time. Get your family and friends involved in fishing and the great out doors 😊


  1. The angler must cast, hook, fight, and bring the fish to gaff of net unaided by any other person. No other person may touch any part of the tackle during the playing of the fish of give aid other than taking the leader for gaffing or netting purposes.

  2. Casting and retrieving must be carried out in accordance with normal customs and generally accepted practices. The major criterion in casting is that the weight of the line must carry the lure rather than the weight of the lure carrying the line. Trolling a lure behind a moving water craft is not permitted. The craft must be completely out of gear both at the time the lure is presented to the fish and during the retrieve.

  3. Once the fish is hooked, the tackle mat not be altered in any way, with exception od adding an extension butt, harness or gimble. A fighting chair may not be used.

  4. Fish must be hooked on lure or bait in use. If a small fish takes the hook and a larger fish swallows the smaller fish, the catch will be disallowed.

  5. One or more people may assist in gaffing or netting the fish.

  6. The angling and equipment regulations shall apply until the fish is weighed.



  1. Failure to comply with equipment or angling regulations.

  2. The act of persons other than the angler in touching any part of the rod, reel, or line either bodily or with any device during the play of the fish, or giving any aid other than that allowed in the rules and regulations. If any obstacle to the passage of the line through the rod guides has to be removed from the line, then the obstacle (whether chum, floatline, rubber band, or other material) shall be held and cut free. Under no circumstances should the line be held or touched by anyone other than the angler during this process.

  3. Resting the rod in a rod holder, on the gunwale of the boat, or any other object while playing the fish.

  4. Using a boat or device to beach or drive a fish into shallow water in order top deprive the fish of its normal ability to swim.

  5. Changing a rod or reel while the fish is being played.

  6. Splicing, removing or adding to the line while fish is being played.

  7. Intentionally foul-hooking a fish.

  8. Using a size or kind of bait that that is illegal to possess.

  9. Attaching the angler’s line or leader to part of the boat or other object for the purpose of holding or lifting the fish.

  10. If a fish escapes before gaffing or netting and is recaptured by any method other than as outlined in the angling rules.

  11. The act of any person touching any part of the leader when striking or hooking a fish.

  12. When a rod breaks (while the fish is being played) in a manner that reduces the length of the tip below minimum dimensions or severely impairs its angling characteristics.

  13. When a fish is hooked or entangled on more than one line.